Terima Kasih Awak


Monday, January 10, 2011


wahh,,da lame la x tules kat dashb0ard ni,,rase cam rindu tapi MALAS,,
s0, bile dah alang2 menjelma kat sini why n0t kal0 saye cerite siket tahun 2011 ni bagi saye,,
am i t0o LATE?
first 0f all, start with my NEW vision, mission and objective,,
s0ri f0r d late resp0n ea fiza!
let's blend t0gether my new VISI0N, MISSI0N and 0BJECTIVE,,
(malas la nak tules pjg2)
i) change d -ve t0 +ve [sume perangai yg x el0k dlm diriku ini akan ku berusaha tukar]
ii) n0t trying t0 get 4 flat diz sem, but, trying t0 impr0ve my result
[h0nestly, impak bsr tu mase dpt rezult aritu,,tetbe rase diri ini bagaikan tak dihargai diri sendiri]
iii) increase my lurve t0 every0ne [wah,,ayat sentimental~]
habes dah part azam ni nak cerita pulak pasal 0PENING tahun 2011 ni,,
seri0oously writing, every course bc0me harder in my pr0gram,,
sumtimes tu rase mcm menyesal lak amek akaun ni,,
but, i'll take diz as my CHALLENGE t0k masa depan yang memancar macam matahari!
ASSIGNMENTs already s0und s0o0o0ooo freaky,,
seram beb!
15/01 - dinner c0urse yg bertemakan FAIRYTALE,,
dress = checked
scarf = checked
heels = checked
makeup = checked
clutch = checked
accessories = checked
naseb baik kerja x byk,,
they trust me t0 make a dec0 f0r 0ur stage nanti,,
dgn bajet yg agk menglimitkan,,i'll d0 my BEST dgn bantuan geng 8 sekawan yang lain,,
s0, dun h0pe f0r sumting big in 0ur pr0bs ye,,
bab kit0rg ni xde la sekreatif event planner,,
juz wait n see je la nanti,,
nak cerita mimpi mlm tadi lak,,tetbe je teringat,,
mimpi mengarut yg tak b0leh diceritakan kpd sesape p0n,,
tak0t2 mencetuskan K0NTR0VERSI pulak nanti,,
secare ringkasnya,,
takyah la ringkas2 ni,,sumtimes,,there's sumting dat sh0uld remains a secret,,
bile pkir2 balek, memg byk lagik things ab0ut myself yg tak penah aku cerita kat sesape p0n,,
bukannye aku tak percaye kat sesape, tapi, aku tak suke cerite kat sesape,,
sebab2 kenape id0p aku STILL macam ni,,
dah la,,dah byk dah ni tules,,
baju yg tgh bas0h tu maybe dah siap k0t,,
nak gi amek baju kat machine jap,,
pastu nk pikir carik jln mcm mane nk dptkn mee g0reng basah pattaya untuk santapan malam ni,,

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