my Mum mEans d World tO me (^-^)
okay.memandangkan sume org da wat entry psl their beloved its my turn:)
my mum or as i call her Mama.she's d prettiEST,nicEST,wonderfulLEST, n all d -EST2 in d whole world!she's a very loving & caring mother sme la cm mak org laen jugak..she's d BEST!mmuahh2
mama da ckup sempurna da in all aspects..there's NOTHING i would want her to change EXCEPT for 1 thing...mama kalo marah or terasa hati,dye xkn luahkan..dye akn pendam..dye sedih sorg2..n i HATE dat..huhu..i HATE it when she's sad..especially if its because of surely NOT d best daughter..but im her ONLY daughter.n i want to make her HAPPY..i want to make her PROUD of me..
i'll try to change..not to be as childlish as before.mintak sume nk dpt je,kalo xdpt,tarik muke,majok,xckp.then MAMA n papa mesti tunaikan jgak my wishes.haih...jht kn?but i LOVE them so much.kkdg tu OVER-feeling je mrh2 i really dont understand y..kalo dgn parents je mesti terasa lbh.kesimpulannya,im more sensitive if it involves something or sumone most precious to me.or in other words ade IKATAN tu.pelik kan?huhu.hrp2nye MAMA or papa x terasa la kn.. :(
i love my MUMMY!n i wont ever trade her for anything in d world.she's mine.dat'll never change.i love you mum.i hope u realize i dont often call u to say i love u or i miss u.but i always do.phm2 jela kalo call tu rndu malu je nk ngaku.nape tah.poyo je pmpuan nih.haih..alrite,,so smpai cni jelah luahan perasaan sempena HARI IBU ni..
a message to my MUM: i love u.x sbr nk blk jumpa mama.gosip2,borak2,g facial.i miss you :(
6 Orang berkata:
Sweetnye.. :')..
Jom baca post terbaru Bebelan Saja! Tekan Sini!
salam. KAMI follower baru anda. :)
ahahaha mengader eh nak tarik muka..geget kang hehe..
mama cantik patut la anak cntik ;)
i Miss you mimie :(
arif azmi:thnk u:)
rahmad:haha..bkn sume org cmtu ke..tu lumrah khidupan.ank mmg kne ngade cket/hehe
pinky momma:thnx(^_^)
ms/mr anonymous:miss me?emmm...sape eh ni?misteri pulak:p
Arif Azmi:thnk u:)
Rahmad:hehe...biasela tu kn kdng:p
pinky momma;wah..malu.hehe.thnx:)
anonymous:silalah perkenalkan dri ye..misteri sgguh!haha
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